I ?think? this and next week has already been marked or something like that but I might as well go back and treat them as practice.
So here we go!
So in CSC148 we started with really the basics of OOP. With classes and basic inheritance which I'll delve into in a later blog. The use of property and the idea of encapsulating the our data to make it 'private'. Then we learned about ADTs as well as started recursion which I have mostly all learned about previously so there were not really any challenges here or new information for me to be learned which might make this post a bit shorter than I would like.
But through learning the implementation and syntax in python (which obviously includes PEP8 regarding the way we format our code/declare new functions and methods, etc...), something new I did learn was for example the __eq__ and the __repr__ functions which were not that hard to understand. It was neat learning about them and the way they are utilized as previously in my experience I hadn't had much of a chance or thought to for example compare 2 objects directly in such a manner
Overall the first few weeks I think were quite a nice review for me of some material as well as learning of new concepts. I do find that some concepts are only briefly mentioned about before moving on such as the small part about encapsulating our data. I honestly would not have remembered learning about it in class if I hadn't written down about 5 lines in my notes regarding it. Anyway here's hoping I'll be able to write my SLOGS on time in the future! (Obviously after catching up.)
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